Sunday, April 27, 2008


NailsDid featured in the latest issue of STREETWEAR TODAY, below is a little taster from the interview.

What appears at first sight, as an ad for a fusty nail salon for elderly well-off British ladies, is in fact one of the coolest, tonguein-cheek t-shirt labels coming out of the UK. Also, the name fits perfectly, as the proper camouflage for this awesome shirt-label is...Nailsdid! Nailsdid is a ladies-only streetwear brand, established in 2006. This was the natal hour of the brand Nailsdid, which basically plays with bastardised nail salon graphics, laced with some extra sassiness for the ladies who behave extraordinarily lady-like with an ironic propensity to exaggerate this tendency. Nailsdid's graphics somehow reminds of the decals on nail salon window fronts from the 90s, sprinkled with some immodesty.
Together with the crew of the female on-line street culture magazine, M.I.S.S. (Mama's International Secret Society), they made a collaboration tee, which was a huge success. In fact, the short run of 500 shirts was literally sold out within a week.
Currently, Nailsdid is working on the Summer 08 collection and they are planning to drop 10 new shirt designs, plus 2 new high profile collaboration shirts. Furthermore, they're working on some cut 'n' sew pieces and are in the process of launching a jewelry line, which will consist of some classic Nailsdid pieces mixed with some 80s oldschool hip-hop flavor... So all you mothers, warriors, sisters and survivors, go and get your Nailsdid.

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